Since I've not posted since before Christmas, I figure I'd better get something up.
These are pages to a book for my day job at Imagine Learning. I've been trying to do more animated or cartoony designs to my work. I love my job.
Feel free to leave any comments ya like, and have a WONDERFUL day. Pssst Valentines day is tomorrow... Don't forget your loved ones!
(Please respect too that these images belong to Imagine Learning.
Fantastic work! I'm a huge mythology buff and would love to see more like this!
Nice to see you try your hand at something else. It's cool. Not what I am used to, but cool. Rockin. I hope you didnt forget your lovely wife on this day.
btw, you need to post more stuff :)
Update, update, update! :D
Man, you DO have an awesome job!!
Great work.
The images look nice. You'll have to show us the final project. Had fun at the birthday party. Send me some photos when you get a minute.
Stunning! What a great way to end a big blog-break. Do you have to go through rounds of character developments and approval before getting a project like this under way, or do you have free reign on the whole thing?
@ Adam, I pretty much have free reign on the visuals.
@ erin, Thanks sis! :)
@ andrew, yeah, I thank my lucky stars just about daily.
@ ms. I... Thanks! It's a fun little excercise, though I'll admit, some of these later pages, I'm adding in more anatomy correctness and such with the Gods and Goddesses.
@ anonymous, I might post a page or two more... We'll see when I get done. :)
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