The Four Horsemen asked me to do up a painting of Xetheus like I did with Ramathorr for their Seventh Kingdom line of collector's action figures. Of course I was happy to oblige. They wanted this painting to "connect" to the Ramathorr Painting. So as such, I had to adjust the Ramathorr painting to remove the Xetheus silhouette in the background as he now has his own painting with his fellow minotaur warriors to aid the great Animal kingdom in their fierce battle for the Seventh Kingdom! Confused? Bah! It's all great fun, and if you want to know more about the Seventh Kingdom, the Four Horsemen and this year's FANtastic Exclusive, just click the pretty blue links in this paragraph! So above is Xetheus, and here below is a little look at the two "connected".
If you went to the New York Comic Convention this year, and went to the Four Horsemen's booth with AFX, then you might have seen this banner there. ;)