Thursday, February 21, 2008


What's a Greek Myth without Zeus right?

And why is he swimming in gray cotton candy?

If you know the story of Phaethon... Then you know what's coming to him. If you don't know, then pick up a book and read! And if you want to see more of these pages from this re-telling... Then talk to your kid's school principal and ask them to buy imagine learning's product for their school! That's the only way you'll find out what happens in our telling of Phaethon's Ride. :)

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Phaethon's Ride...

Since I've not posted since before Christmas, I figure I'd better get something up.
These are pages to a book for my day job at Imagine Learning. I've been trying to do more animated or cartoony designs to my work. I love my job.
Feel free to leave any comments ya like, and have a WONDERFUL day. Pssst Valentines day is tomorrow... Don't forget your loved ones!
(Please respect too that these images belong to Imagine Learning.