I love the new Masters of the Universe Classics figure line, sculpted by the Four Horsemen, and available exclusively on Matty Collector.com.
Merman is one of my favorites, and as such I did this piece as an update on his old card art that you can see here. Let me know what you think! Enjoy!
Nate, you never cease to amaze.
Jaysin and I love this Merman-- quite an improvement on the original Merman card. (of course, we did have a sneak peak while you were working on this illustration!)
We both await more posts with bated breath.
Much love, your bro&sis in law,
Sara and Jaysin.
Hey thanks guys! Love you!
1000xs better than the original. Nice to see you doing MOTU stuff again :)
He has this almost amused sense of discovery on his face. It's like the initial shock of discovery has been replaced by a sense of amazement combined with a quizzical wondering of how what he is seeing for the first time could exist. Like seeing the Grand Canyon or Snow for the first time if you know what I mean...Or perhaps I'm just projected my own emotional spectrum I feel every time I see a new piece of art from you :-D
The fact Mattel isn't paying you do to this is a sin against our whole fandom.
You know what would make a cool variant of this painting? Doing the gloves, boots and loincloth of the Mark Tayler concept art. Check out the art book, I'm sure you have noticed that is what Alcala based his illustrations on.
Easily.One of my favorites from your collection! I can't really describe how cool Grayskull looks in this pic!
Discovered your work on he-man.org. I love the Classics line as well.
Anyway this piece is amazing!
Mer-Man has always looked a little freaky to me (I mean, what's up with that 'corn-sword'?), which makes him all the more lovable, I guess :D
Thanks guys!
Chris! Love your work man... That Teela you did rocks!
And yeah, how bizarre is that "corn sword"?! LOL.
Hi Nate
I'm a great MoTU fan and I loved this ilustration.
I'm trying to create a website for portuguese motu fans and collectors and I would like very much to use your merman illustration on it.
Could you give-me your authorization to use it?
My e-mail is rui_sharkye@hotmail.com
Please respond.
Hi Nate
Thank you very much for letting Motu Portugal use this fantastic illustration of my favorite character.
It's the best illustration I've ever seen of Mer-man so far.
Mattel should at least include a poster of it as bonus on Motu classics Mer-man Reissue when it comes to the market.
It's an honor to use it on Motu Portugal.
Thank you very much
Stellar piece! Wish these were on the Classics packaging.
Nate, I'm discovering your artwork, I think is really great.
Regarding this piece update:
I prefer the old one. Mer-man has an evil look that waits for the Skeletor call to arms, while the new version has a... 'cute' look.
Kudos from Caracas,
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